2 min read

10 different types of designers and what they do

Published on
November 20, 2023


Ok, so you’re looking for a designer? That's great! But what kind of designer do you need for your project?

There are many different specializations within the design world, and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which one is right for you. In this article, we'll break down the different types of designers and what they do. We'll also provide you with an estimated hourly rate for each role.

By the end, you should have a better idea of which type of designer your need to hire for your project. And if you want to now where to find them check out or list of places to find freelance designers

Graphic Designer

You might know a graphic designer as the person who designed the logo for your favorite company or the poster for your favorite movie. But what does a graphic designer actually do?

Graphic designers create visual concepts using computer software programs or drawing them manually. In the early days of the graphic design field the main focus was design for printed media such as advertisement, posters or different publications. But as the world has move into becoming increasingly more digital so has the role of graphic designers which now can be divided into different types such as web design, UI,  interactive design & motion graphics which well be covering later in the article.

Graphic designers specialize in creating visual graphics for all kinds of mediums, including digital. They might design logos, brand identities, or websites.

The average rate for a graphic designer is $22 an hour. But keep in mind that this can vary depending on your location and experience.

Motion Graphic Designer

Motion graphic designers create graphics for films, digital advertising, commercials, website content, television, and games. They take static images and make them come to life by adding movement and animation. This can be done in a number of ways, including using After Effects, Cinema 4D, and other software programs.

Infographics designers create design content that is based on information. They take data and turn it into visually appealing graphics that are easy to understand. Common tools used by motion designers include Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and InDesign.

The average rate for a motion designer can vary depending on their level of experience and the type of work they do. But as a general rule of thumb, you can expect to pay anywhere from $35 to $75 per hour.

Web Designer

Then there are web designers. As the name suggest web design is the act of designing and developing a website for the internet. This requires additional skills and resources that graphic designers typically don't have. That's because web design is about more than just making things look pretty—it's also about making sure that the website functions well and is easy to use.

The average rate for hiring a web designer is around $75 per hour, but it can vary depending on your location and experience level. So if you're interested in becoming a web designer, it's a great career to pursue.

UX Designer

UX designers (which stands for user experience) are responsible for creating the architecture of a website and focus on minimizing the friction users. User interface (UI) designers are specialized graphic designers who design for machines and software. They make sure that the user interface is easy to use and pleasant to look at.

Web designers create the front-end of websites, which is the part that users see when they visit a website. They make sure that the website looks good and functions properly. And finally, front-end developers take care of the technical aspects of web design, such as coding and scripting.

So now you know a little bit more about the different types of designers. If you're still not sure which one is right for you, then head over to our careers page and take our quiz to help you decide.

Industrial Designer

Industrial designers work on a wide range of products that you use every day. They might design the look of a car, the way your phone works, or the layout of a factory. They think about how things look, how they work, and how they can be made more efficiently.

If you're interested in industrial design, it's important to understand the different types of jobs that are available. There are automobile designers, equipment designers, consumer product designers, and plant designers. Each of these jobs has its own set of responsibilities and requirements.

Industrial design is a demanding profession, but it can also be very rewarding. The average rate for hiring an industrial designer is $70 per hour. So if you're passionate about design and have the skills to back it up, now is the time to pursue a career in industrial design.

UI designer

They make the layouts for apps, websites, and everything in between using tools like Figma and Sketch. They're responsible for the overall look and feel of a design, and they work closely with UX designers to create user-friendly interfaces.

Next up are UX designers. They design user interfaces and experiences to solve problems. They're all about making sure users have a good experience when interacting with a product, and they often work with teams of engineers, researchers, and product managers to get the job done.

Finally, there are graphic designers. They can design physical things like print layouts, but they also have a lot of skills that can come in handy for digital products. For example, they know how to use typography and color effectively to create engaging designs.

So now that you know a little more about the different types of designers, what's the next step? Well, the best way to find out is to contact some local designers and ask for their rates. You can then compare them until you find the one that's best for you.

Product Designer

Product designers are responsible for the look, feel, and functionality of a product. They focus on the overall structure of an object and strive to create an intuitive user experience.

Each type of designer has their own focus and uses different tools to execute their solutions. For example, a graphic designer might use visual aids like typography, images, and layout to communicate ideas. While a UX designer might use user research and prototypes to understand how people interact with a product.

Designers' roles can vary from creating designs for physical products to software design and everything in between. What they all have in common is the need to be able to think creatively and solve problems. And customer advocacy is a key role for any product designer.

Interaction Designer

You might be wondering what the different types of designers are and what they do. Let's take a look at some of the most common roles in design.

Graphic designers are responsible for the overall look and feel of a product, from the logo to the user interface. They use tools like Photoshop and Illustrator to create wireframes, comps, and other design assets.

UX researchers use qualitative and quantitative user research methods to provide insights into the design process. They help identify user needs and develop hypotheses about how to solve them.

UI designers use wireframes, Affinity Designer, InVision, Sketch, and other tools to create engaging web interfaces. They focus on the layout and usability of interfaces and often collaborate with interaction designers on animations and interactions.

Interaction designers are responsible for creating every element on the screen that a user interacts with. They design buttons, menus, sliders, and every other component of a user interface. They work closely with UI designers to create a cohesive user experience.

Service Designer

You may have heard of service designers, but what do they actually do?

Service designers research customer behavior, create new processes, and solve design problems. They also work with other team members to make sure the end product is something that customers will love and be happy with. In other words, they're the ones who make sure everything works perfectly—from start to finish.

Designers break services into sections and adapt fine-tuned solutions to suit all users' needs in context, based on actors, location, and other factors. They also take into account how people will feel when they're using the service. For example, if you're redesigning a call center, you might want to focus on making the experience more positive for the customer.

3D Artist

When it comes to 3D artists, there are a few in particular that we're following closely here at Vagon. These inspirational 3D artists have blown us away with their incredible talent, and we can't wait to see what they create next.

One of our favorites is Katelyn Barbee. She's a 3D concept artist who creates illustrations for various ideas—ranging from video games and movies to product designs and beyond. Her work is always creative and thought-provoking, and we can't help but be inspired by her bold ideas.


There are a ton of different design roles out there, and it can be tough to figure out which one is right for you. With ad hoc design subscription you get unlimited access to all of the competencies listed above, and if you’re not used to work on design projects we’ve made it easy for you by creating checklist to guide you in the process. Happy scaling!

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